
Mandal Wise Population

Mandal Wise Gram Panchayats,Revenue Villages and Geographical Area and Population As per 2011 Census :

Mahabubnagar District is divided into 2 Revenue Divisions:


Mahabubnagar Revenue Division :

S.No Mandal Number of
Gram Panchayats
Number of Revenue Villages Geographical Area in Sq.Kms Population as per 2011 Census
1 Addakal 13 14 139 31233
2 Balanagar 17 20 152 38238
3 Bhoothpur 15 16 169 48041
4 Chinna Chinta Kunta 18 21 197 45107
5 Devarakadra 22 26 214 55994
6 Gandeed 24 29 236 70387
7 Hanwada 19 20 193 50635
8 Jadcherla 26 31 277 71543
9 Koilkonda 26 36 234 61932
10 Mahabubnagar(Rural) (NEW) 16 16 140 43750
11 Mahabubnagar(Urban) 08 08 78 215205
12 Midjil 18 16 176 30396
13 Moosapet (NEW) 12 13 148 26921
14 Nawabpet 28 33 243 64929
15 Rajapur (NEW) 14 16 160 28430
TOTAL 276 315 2756 882741