


Mahabubnagar  Parichay (E-office) Live Web Site URL : Gif

    eOffice Parichay Secured login procedure .pdf New Gif

eOffice File / Receipts Pending STATUS – Section/ User wise ReportsNew Gif

(Login to eOffice -> MIS Reports -> File -> File Summary Report -> Select Department / Sections -> Select Date Range (01-02-2017 to till today) -> Click View -> click on sections for further drop down up to user (can be exported as PDF or Excel)

eOffice Parichay Authenticator (Mobile App) Installation Procedure New Gif

Know your eOffice Letter/File Status             :

eoffice Central Website                                      :

eOffice Photo Gallery                                          :  Photo Gallery

Required Templates for Implementation of eOffice:

  1. Employee Master Data 22 Coloumns   
  2. Application Formats  for Name and Designation based mail ids.(Bring Soft copy and Hard Copy)
  3. File Heads format 
  4. File Flow Chart format 
  5. Banner for eOffice Inauguration
  6. Digital Signature Certificate Key (DSC Key)
  7. DFA Format to putup draft in eOffice

Software Required:

  1. DSC Signer Certficate Installation Software and Steps
  2.  Fire fox for Windows OS 32bit  
    Fire fox for Windows OS 64bit
  3. Fire fox for MAC OS 
  4. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Key Drivers epass 2003 for Windows OS 
  5. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Key Drivers epass 2003 for Mac OS 
  6. Java 1.8.0_201 for eOffice
  7. Adobe Reader for eOffice
  8. Any Desk for eOffice
  9. Telugu Software for eOffice, 
  10. Telugu Software for eOffice for windows 10
  11. Mac drivers for Digital signer service 4.1:

Manuals & Materials:

eOffice SOP: 


All complaints/queries related to eOffice should be registered through our 24×7 NIC Service Desk. Website:              Toll Free : 1800-111-555